KEYNOTE SPEAKER -Topic: Effect of Capitalism on Climate Change and Environmental Resources.
PROFILE: Professor Francis E. Bisong
E-mail:; +234 803 338 0315p>

Francis Ebuta Bisong is Professor of Conservation Biogeography, Land use Systems and
Natural Resource Management at the Department of Geography & Environmental Science,
University of Calabar, Nigeria. He is the current Dean of the Faculty of Environmental
Sciences at the University of Calabar. He has served as a member of The World Bank Forest
Investment Program (FIP) Expert Group, and presently a member of the UN Environment
International Resource Panel (IRP) and the UN Multidisciplinary Expert Group of the
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
Prof. Bisong is the Convener and Initiator of the Africa Green Growth and Development
Forum (AGDF), a Think-Tank civil society membership network focused on the promotion
of circular economy in Africa through policy based research. He also Chairs the CUSO
International Project Technical Committee (PTC) on YouLead. Prof. Bisong has conducted
extensive research in the field of conservation biogeography and natural resource
governance with application to land use change and management at the forest edge. He is
currently focused on green growth & sustainable development in the renewable natural
resource sectors (land, forest & biodiversity) and on climate change adaptation, mitigation,
and vulnerability assessments in the context of agriculture, forestry and other land uses
(AFOLU). He has led several study teams funded by International & Pan African
Development Agencies, some of which are in Collaboration with Federal and State
Governments. A few of these include World Bank sponsored study on Strategic
Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) for Nigeria REDD+ Readiness, CUSO
International study on Green Economy and Green Jobs (GE/GJ) Framework for Cross River
State, African Forest Forum (AFF) study on Adaptation Policies & AFOLU based Climate
Change Mitigation in Anglophone Africa, Terr-Africa-World Bank Federal Government
project on Nigeria Strategic Investment Framework For Sustainable Land Management
(SLM), FAO-World Bank study on low carbon agricultural systems, Climate Development
Knowledge Network (CDKN) at the Regional Institute of Population Studies (RIPS) in
Legon, Ghana, UNICEF assisted project on School Mapping in ‘A Field’ States,
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) on Institutional Landscape Analysis
For Sustainable Land Management Budgeting and Public Expenditure in Nigeria. He has
several publications to his credit in refereed international and local journals including
commissioned book chapters